Welcome Eagles!
Alumni Exclusives
Add Pride to Your Ride
Get EWU License plates and support student scholarships. 23 scholarships were awarded in 2024, totaling $67,000 that went to students whose parents or grandparents are EWU alumni.
View plates Today
Eagle Flights Wine Club
The EWU Alumni Association’s official wine club features wines made by Eagles, for Eagles. Celebrate the incREDible impact that Eags have made on the wine industry.
Join the Club
Eagle Career Network
Join our online networking community to provide powerful on-demand career mentoring opportunities for students and alumni. Powered by STCU.
Become a Mentor
Alumni Adventures
An exclusive travel program designed specifically for our alumni to explore, discover, and create lasting memories around the globe. Join us on enriching experiences beyond the boundaries of our campus.
Explore With Us
Alumni Legacy Scholarship
The Alumni Legacy Scholarship fosters a sense of continuity and community among alumni and the next generation of Eagles. These scholarships honor the legacy of past graduates and encourages students to develop a deeper connection with their alma mater.
Honor Your Legacy
Spokane USL x EWU
EWU and USL Spokane have partnered to provide learning opportunities for the Inland Northwest through USL Spokane's first Learning Lab which will offer area high school students applied learning opportunities.
Advance Career OpportunitiesUpcoming Events
KOOZA-Under the Big Top
Alumni Discount! Seattle, Now-Mar. 16 | KOOZA is a return to the origins of Cirque du Soleil: It combines two circus traditions - acrobatic performance and the art of clowning.
Now-Mar. 16Winter Networking Social
Help students practice their networking skills, develop their career conversation and grow their connections.
Feb. 11 | 11:30 a.m.EWU Alumni & Family Day
Join us for a basketball double header! Invite your family, friends, and fellow Eags!
Feb. 15EWU Music Alumni Reception
Join us at the 2025 NAfME NW Division Conference at the Spokane Convention Center at 7 p.m. Room 100c!
Feb. 15Eags in the Desert
Be a part of an exciting three-day experience with EWU! Join us for one, two, or all three special events featuring EWU executive leadership updates.
Feb. 18-20EWU Night at the Spokane Chiefs
Join us for EWU night at the Spokane Chiefs on Feb. 21 vs the Tri-City Americans!
Feb. 21EWU Alumni Discount - Best of Broadway Spokane
Take advantage of this exclusive group offer - head to the link below and enter code: EWU
Feb. 28EWU Alumni Adidas Employee Store Access
Take advantage of our alumni benefit, get access to the Adidas employee store Mar. 1-31!
Mar. 1-31EWU Night at the Spokane Zephyr FC
Join us for EWU Night as the Zephyr FC take on Brooklyn FC!
April 3EWU is the Region’s Polytechnic
See what polytechnic education means at EWU—where hands-on learning leads to in-demand careers. Our polytechnic approach integrates critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills across all fields of study. And because that’s always been our focus, “the region’s polytechnic” is about boldly stating who we are, not changing what we do.
As an alumnus you can support EWU by becoming an active member of the Eagle Career Network, where you can serve as a mentor, provide internships at your organization, and attend our campus job fairs.
More Ways to Get Involved
Update Your Info
Don’t miss out on all the fun. Make sure we have your latest contact information so we can send invites and info your way, including monthly event emails.
Locate a Fellow Alumni
Interested in reconnecting with an old roommate or friend? We can help! Fill out the form to see if we can assist you.