Archives & Special Collections


Archives and Special Collections (ASPC) supports research on University and regional history by collecting written, photographic, and audiovisual materials, many of which are unique and rare. The Archives consists of records created directly by the University, while our Special Collections are made up of materials donated to or purchased by the Libraries.

Our book collections may be searched through the library catalog, while many of our collections of University records and personal papers may be found using Archives West. Digital collections may be found through the Libraries’ Digital Commons site and the ASPC YouTube channel. Notable Special Collections include the Ye Galleon Press Collection, the Almeron T. Perry Science Fiction and Fantasy Collection, and the Smokejumper Digital Archive.

Current Services

We are open to the public by appointment, during regular quarter hours, Monday – Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. We are minimally staffed until August 19; response times may take up to 5-10 business days.

To create your appointment to view any of our collections, please call 509.359.2475 or email Please provide information about what you would like to view, when you would like to visit, as well as your name and contact information.

To discuss donating documents pertaining to University or local history, to get further information about Archives and Special Collections, or to request a reference consultation, please email us at

Archives Policies & Reproduction Requests

ASPC provides access to historic documents related to the University and the Inland Northwest. If you wish to use EWU’s archival materials, please call or email to set up an appointment at 509.359.2475 or

In order to ensure these resources are available for future generations, we ask that you observe the following rules:

  1. ASPC materials must be used in the Reading Room.
  2. Pencils, computers, and cameras may be used for note-taking and capturing images of photos, text, and other information. Pens or other implements that may damage collections materials are prohibited.
  3. Images captured in the reading room are for personal research use only. Researchers are expected to follow United States copyright law (Title 17, US Code).
  4. Backpacks, briefcases, tote bags, or other luggage are not allowed in the reading room, except with the consent of archives staff. Lockers located in the workroom are provided free of charge.
  5. Coats may be worn in the reading room. Researchers are expected to stow unused coats or jackets in their locker or on the coat rack, both of which are located in the reading room.
  6. Food and drink are prohibited in the reading room. Researchers may store water bottles and other containers in designated areas in the workroom.
  7. Researchers are expected to follow general best practices for handling materials.
    1. One box the table at a time, one folder out at a time.
    2. Retain the order of materials within a folder.
    3. Use cards to mark the location of the removed folder.
    4. Use gloves when handling photographic materials.
    5. Avoid opening books to a fully flat position to avoid damage to the spine.
    6. Turn pages from the corners.

We look forward to working with you to help explore your research interests.  If you have any questions, staff are available to help you find materials of interest or interpret reading room expectations.

ASPC offers reproduction requests and provides permissions for publishing materials from its collections.  In order to order a physical or digital reproduction, please complete the Reproduction Request Form and mail or email to ASPC. If you wish to publish or use collection materials for distribution or public display, please complete the Use Permission Agreement. Each form states the conditions upon which EWU Libraries provides reproductions and permissions. Please read this carefully.

Requests for reproduction or use, are often accompanied by a fee defined by the chart below:

ServiceFee FY 23
Photo reproduction (digital)$8.18 per scan
Photo reproduction (print)$5.54 per print
Audio reproduction$7.92 per item reproduced
Research by archives staff$79.19 per hour
Photocopies$0.32 per page
Advertising use of image - For-Profit$184.77
Advertising use of image - Non-Profit$105.58
Exhibits and displays use of image - For-Profit $52.79
Exhibits and displays use of image - Non-Profit $10.56
Scholarly publication use of image - For-Profit $52.79
Scholarly publication use of Image - Non-Profit $5.28
TV, film, websites use of image - For-Profit $105.58
TV, film, websites use of image - Non-Profit $52.79


Photo of Steven Bingo

Steven Bingo

University Archivist
Archives and Special Collections
Photo of Steven Bingo
320 Media Lane, 100 LIB, Cheney, WA 99004