6/22/2023 UPDATE: The application portal is closed. We anticipate the portal to open for the AY2025-2027 Endowed Professorship around 4/15/2025.
Jeffers W. Chertok Memorial Endowed Professorship Announcement May 2023
The EWU Foundation and the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences invite nominations and applications for a faculty appointment as the Jeffers W. Chertok Memorial Endowed Professorship.
This professorship was created to honor the life of Dr. Jeffers W. Chertok who worked at EWU for over 34 years and left a legacy of scholarship, generosity, and genuine care at the university and beyond. The professorship was established through generous donations from private donors including Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Carper and through a match from the State of Washington. The professorship is established for the following purposes:
This professorship will be focused on classic social science theory with emphasis on the origins of thought. To the extent that current or emerging theory is introduced, it should be within the context of analysis from the perspective of the masters. Materials should focus on great thinkers such as Marx, Smith, Plato, Newton, Locke, Hume and others. The focus of this work should be to determine and understand where ideas and beliefs come from and why.
The person selected for this professorship will serve as the Jeffers W. Chertok Professor for the period from September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2025.
Nominations or applications for this endowed professorship are open to any full-time Tenured Faculty, Tenure-Track Faculty, Senior Lecturer, or Lecturer currently employed by EWU. Nominations and applications are accepted from all colleges and disciplines and, consistent with EWU’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, nominations and applications from historically underrepresented faculty are encouraged. Nominations of others and self-applications will be accepted.
Nominations or applications must be submitted via the online application portal no later than 5:00pm on Thursday, June 15, 2023.
If you have any questions, please contact Bekah Bray at 509.359.2227 or rbray2@ewu.edu.