In conjunction with the Office of Community Engagement (OCE) and the Master of Social Work Student Association (MSWSA), The College of Professional Programs (CPP) co-sponsored a Community Engagement Resource Fair and on-site service activity this October for students to stop by and learn more about getting involved in community service projects. The resource fair was held in the Pence Union Building Nysether Community Room (NCR) on the Cheney campus.
20 partnering community organizations from Cheney and the Greater Spokane Region had representatives available to talk with students about the services/resource they provide and how they can get involved. Students also participated in on-site service activity, bagging dog and cat food for the Pet Program at Meals on Wheels (MOW) Spokane, writing thinking of you cards to MOW recipients, and labeling candy for Fostering Idaho’s Trunk-or-Treat event. Many EWU instructors brought their whole class over to participate in the fair!
Participation-based raffles were provided for students attending the on-campus event as well as off-campus students through online social media posts.