CPP Student Spotlight: Nathan Bradford

November 2023

by Mya Brossoit

The College of Professional Programs is excited to recognize Nathan Bradford for November’s Student Spotlight.

Nathan is currently attending EWU as a Senior on the Cheney campus, majoring in Social Work. He plans to receive his Bachelor’s degree in June of 2024.  After growing up in Selah, Washington, Nathan sought out an affordable and practical option for higher education. When considering what university to attend, he ultimately decided Eastern was the best option with its overall lower cost, and convenient location.  When asked why he chose Social Work as a major, Nathan shares his deep desire to use his abilities to support others in a positive way.  The vast opportunities EWU’s Social Work program offers is what then convinced Nathan to take the next step and apply to the Bachelor of Arts in Social Work (BASW) program.

Though Nathan accomplished his goal of coming to college, the journey as a whole has not been entirely easy. As with many students during their college years, discovering how to manage mental health as a new adult can be a great challenge amidst the pressures of school. Not to mention, as a student managing the stressful changes during the Pandemic made it all the more difficult.  Nathan describes the debilitating anxiety that surrounded him during his first couple years of college. Battling panic attacks and unpredictable emotions was a challenge Nathan has learned to manage in a healthy way as he finishes out his college degree. He shares the importance of having support and tools in your life in order to set yourself up for success. Though these mental health struggles are still present at times, Nathan testifies to the great amounts of improvement he has seen over time.

Bradford recommends other students take full advantage of their education while attending school because all that the content taught by professors in class is directly applicable to a career in social work. He states that:

All of the professors I’ve had in the school of social work have been great. I’ve learned so much from each of them.

One of his greatest accomplishments since arriving at Eastern has been the multiple ultramarathons he has run over the years. Not only has he been able to finish these tough races but recently soared higher as he crossed the finish line of his very first 50 miler run. Through his discipline and hard work, Nathan exemplifies the grit and strength that comes with being an Eagle.  Nathan also credits his community through the on-campus organization, Cru, as it remains an influential support in his life. He also expresses his gratitude towards all of his professors that have helped him along the way:

Bradford is grateful for the many lessons he has learned throughout his Social Work program. One thing specifically he has discovered is the valuable connection between social work practice and social work policy. When considering his line of work during his required practicum classes, Nathan has grasped the considerable essentials of macro-level social work.  Looking towards the future brings great hope to Nathan as he reflects on the meaningful work he dreams of doing. He shares:

I know I want to be dedicated to helping people and making the world a better place in a tangible way.

The College of Professional Programs applauds Nathan for all of his hard work and deep compassion towards others as he soars into his future!