CPP Student Spotlight: The Eastern Reading Council

April 2023

by Mya Brossoit

The College of Professional Programs is proud to highlight The Eastern Reading Council, a student club that promotes a love for literacy and community service.

Eastern’s Reading Council partners with surrounding school districts in teaching local children about reading and the importance of literacy. The club participates in Literacy Nights, public readings to students, and supporting book drives within the community. They are a powerful demonstration of giving back to the community through intentional acts of service. The Council is made up of primarily EWU Education students, but is open to all majors who are interested in joining.

Working with this club gives me great joy, as these students are eager to make a difference in the lives of children through experiences we get to plan for, create and be a part of… My students are truly making an impact in the lives of children in Cheney and Spokane and I am PROUD to know them. – Ashley Lepisi, Club Advisor and Education Lecturer

The Reading Council continues to thrive as members are rebuilding the organization since the pandemic. Though starting fresh left much work to do, members demonstrate an eagerness for creative outreach and inspirational leadership for generations to come. The club persistently volunteers their time to children and influential activities regarding literacy and service.

A few recent activities the club participated in were volunteering at a Literacy Night, taking part in the Club and Organization Fair on campus, and working on their big project for the year. During this project, members were able to collect over 300 books from local school districts, Starbucks, and Thomas Hammer. They were then able to donate these books for students to enjoy and put on a Bingo for Books Night at Stevens Elementary School in Spokane. Leftover books were then donated to the Dual Immersion Program at the Libby Center. The club members describe this project as one of their greatest accomplishments:

This event was incredibly rewarding for us to participate in…We felt as if we were making a difference with this activity, and we believe this is what our club is all about. We are helping bridge the opportunity gap that many of these students face by sponsoring activities like this. Our club is beyond excited to organize more events like this one.

When asked what advice the Council would give to other Eagles, members emphasized the importance of getting involved in clubs and organizations on campus. Not only is it a wonderful way to build a resume and invest in relationships, but it also brings satisfaction by seeing the difference can can make in the lives of others.

You only are in college once, so you should make the most of it by joining clubs, meeting other Eags, and giving back to the community.

The Eastern Reading Council holds many dreams for upcoming projects. They share their hopes to put on another Literacy Night and their plans for holding a book fair at EWU. Along with that, members plan to create literacy packets/books for students during the summer. This provides literacy development and reading opportunities for students who may not have the ability to access books in the summer. Members also promote the Eagles Read Program, led by Instructor Ashley Lepisi, for students in the community.

Through their consistent generosity and investment in students, it is clear EWU’s Reading Council is flying high like an Eagle throughout our community!

Joining this club has opened our eyes to the various needs of students. All students should have the right to have books in their hands, participate in fun activities such as a Literacy Night, and have access to Literacy Materials. We are making this possible for students. If you are someone who is interested in making a difference, I would highly recommend joining our club!

The College of Professional Programs proudly honors the Eastern Reading Council for their authentic passion and influence in community service and promoting literacy!

Learn more about upcoming Reading Council events on EagleSync and follow them on Instagram @ewureadingcouncil