Kate Peterson

MFA Alumni Bio

Kate P bio feature

Kate Peterson earned her MFA from Eastern Washington University in Spokane, where she now works as the director of Get Lit! Programs. Her poetry and prose has been published in Glassworks, The Sierra Nevada Review, Barnstorm, Sugar House Review, Hawai’i Pacific Review, Aethlon, Packingtown Review, among others. Her chapbook Grist won the 2016 Floating Bridge Chapbook Prize and was published in October, 2016.

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Here is what Kate had to say about her experience at EWU:

“One of the greatest things about being part of the MFA program was that it helped me find my people. Writing is a solitary craft, but becoming part of a community of writers who understand the life you’ve chosen, because they have also chosen that life, was (and still is) so powerful. EWU is a place where even as an alumna I have such a strong connection with the professors and students that I sometimes feel like I’m in my fifth year. I still read for Willow Springs when I have the time, and still teach poetry at Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital through WITC. I also work as a regional coordinator for Poetry Out Loud, via Get Lit!and do social media/marketing work for the MFA program. All of this reminds me on a daily basis how dynamic the program is, and how much it has to offer. I’m grateful every day that I get to live in this beautiful city, surrounded by such a talented and generous community of writers.”