Category: Political Science and Public Policy
Freedom of Speech: The Palestine Exception

The Teach-In “Freedom of Speech: The Palestine Exception” features three powerful voices on the frontline of struggles to reclaim freedom of speech across US campuses: Natasha Lennard is a columnist at The Intercept. She is the associate director of the Creative Publishing & Critical Journalism program at the New School for Social Research in New York,…
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Tribal Zoning, Sovereignty in Action
December 11, 2023

Professor Margo Hill, JD, & Adjunct Professor J.D. Tovey III published an article titled Tribal Zoning, Sovereignty in Action that covers Federal Indian Law and Jurisdiction in the American Planning Association’s Zoning Practice magazine following a presentation they gave last year in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the National American Planning Association conference. “Planners cannot understand or…
[Read more]Senior Highlight: Kaleb Mccalden
June 21, 2023

In celebration of our college graduates, we reached out to our seniors for a little highlight and feedback from their time at Eastern. Congratulations on getting your degree! And welcome to the Eagle Alumni Family! Go Eags! What is your major and minor/certificate and what made you choose that major/ minor? My majors are…
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Street Renaming in the Wake of National Decolonization Efforts
February 15, 2022

EWU’s Associate Professor, Margo Hill, published her article No Honor in Genocide: A Case Study of Street Renaming and Community Organizing in the Wake of National Decolonization Efforts in the Gonzaga Journal of Hate Studies. The case study provides an example wherein Indigenous people have objected to a place-name that honors genocide and thus consequently…
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Kylee Jones
December 13, 2021

Kylee Jones ’18 is an Associate Transportation Planner II from the Spokane Regional Transportation Council. Her experience at EWU in the Urban and Regional Planning program helped her find this profession she otherwise wouldn’t have known about.
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Freedom or Fascism

Speech Acts in the Age of Normalized Violence: Understanding truth and meaning-making in the fight for social justice Hosted Thursday, Feb 13th, 2020 | 12-2pm -| HAR 201 Natasha Lennard is a journalist and essayist. She is a columnist for The Intercept, editor for the Commune Magazine, and her work has appeared regularly in The…
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Washington State Attorney General to Speak at EWU

Washington State Attorney General, Bob Ferguson, will speak at EWU on current legal issues facing the state and the country. Bob Ferguson is Washington State’s 18th Attorney General. As the state’s chief legal officer, Bob is committed to protecting the people of Washington against powerful interests that don’t play by the rules. He is a…
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