In celebration of our college graduates, we reached out to our seniors for a little highlight and feedback from their time at Eastern. Congratulations on getting your degree! And welcome to the Eagle Alumni Family! Go Eags!

What is your major and minor/certificate and what made you choose that major/minor?
I am a major in Art Education. I actually didn’t originally choose Art Education to start with, I was a Mechanical Engineering major and switched majors after reading an article in one of my English courses. The article was about how many students are going to college for careers that will make them a lot of money but won’t fulfill them as a person. I realized that was exactly what I was doing and decided to switch my major to Art Education. Art has been a passion of mine since I can remember, and I want to share the beauty of it with today’s youth.
What was your favorite class and why?
My favorite class was the contemporary sculpture class I took with Greg. It was such a fun way to experiment with materials and really broadened my horizons as an artist.
What is your plan after graduation?
Hopefully, I’ll be able to find a job teaching Art somewhere near Spokane, but if not, I’ll be substitute teaching!
If you made one rule every teacher had to follow, what would it be? Why?
You have to love all your students the way you would your own family. I believe that every teacher should care deeply about their students. There will always be kids who push your buttons, but at the end of the day, you love them the same and do your best to teach them how to be good human beings.
What was your favorite place to eat on campus or in Cheney?
My favorite place to eat on campus is the food court in the PUB. I’m a sucker for the tater tots!