Senior Highlight: Natalie Morse

Communication Studies Major

June 21, 2023

In celebration of our college graduates, we reached out to our seniors for a little highlight and feedback from their time at Eastern. Congratulations on getting your degree! And welcome to the Eagle Alumni Family! Go Eags!


Natalie MorseWhat is your major and minor/certificate, and what made you choose that major/minor?

My major is in Communications, and I have a minor in Business Administration. I chose Communications because it offers a diverse range of opportunities to explore the world of media, public relations, marketing, and interpersonal communication. I’ve always been fascinated by the power of effective communication in shaping relationships and driving success in various fields. Additionally, I chose to minor in Business Administration to complement my skills in communications with a solid understanding of organizational structures, strategic planning, and management principles. This combination allows me to excel in both the creative aspects of communication and the business aspects that support its implementation.

What class would you tell incoming freshmen that they should make sure to take?

As an incoming freshman, I highly recommend taking the course in “Introduction to Public Speaking.” This class not only provides essential communication skills but also allows you to build confidence in expressing ideas and presenting in front of others. Public speaking is a vital skill in both personal and professional realms, and mastering it early on will benefit students throughout their college experience and beyond. It empowers individuals to articulate their thoughts effectively, persuasively, and with poise, setting a solid foundation for success in various fields of study and future careers.

What’s one class that wasn’t in your major that you’d recommend?

While it may not directly align with my major in Communications, I highly recommend taking a course in “Introduction to Psychology.” This class provides a fundamental understanding of human behavior, cognition, and the intricate workings of the mind. The principles and concepts explored in psychology are applicable to numerous aspects of life, including interpersonal relationships, communication dynamics, and even personal growth and self-awareness. Studying psychology can enhance your ability to understand and empathize with others, which is crucial in fields like communications. It equips you with valuable insight into human motivations, emotions, and decision-making processes, allowing you to communicate effectively and connect with individuals on a deeper level. Additionally, psychology offers valuable analytical skills and research methodologies that can benefit students across various disciplines. By taking a psychology class, you gain a comprehensive perspective on the complexities of human behavior, enabling you to approach communication from a more informed and nuanced standpoint. Understanding the psychological factors at play in communication can greatly enhance your ability to craft compelling messages, tailor your approach to different audiences, and build strong interpersonal connections. Overall, a psychology class can broaden your horizons, deepen your understanding of human nature, and provide you with valuable tools to excel in your major while also enriching your personal and professional life beyond the realm of communications.

If you made one rule every teacher had to follow, what would it be? Why?

If I were to establish one rule for every teacher to follow, it would be to create an inclusive and engaging learning environment. Teachers should continue to strive to cultivate an atmosphere where every student feels valued, heard, and respected. This involves promoting open-mindedness, encouraging diverse perspectives, and fostering active participation. An inclusive classroom nurtures creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration among students, allowing for a more holistic learning experience. By prioritizing inclusivity, teachers can inspire students to embrace their unique strengths, contribute meaningfully to discussions, and develop a lifelong love for learning.