Jane Ellsworth, DMA, PhD

Music Building 234
Photo of Jane Ellsworth, DMA, PhD


  • Music History
  • Classical Music


Jane Ellsworth is Professor of Music at Eastern Washington University, where she teaches music history and clarinet. She holds doctoral degrees in both clarinet performance and musicology (Ohio State), and Bachelors and Masters degrees in clarinet performance (Cleveland Institute of Music). Ellsworth has published two books: The Clarinet (University of Rochester Press, 2021) and A Dictionary for the Modern Clarinetist (Rowman & Littlefield, 2015); a third book, The Clarinet in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century America, is in progress. Ellsworth performs throughout the US and in Europe, South America, and Asia, on both modern and historical instruments. She is bass clarinetist with the Spokane Symphony.

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