Military Science

About Us

Welcome to the Eastern Washington University (EWU) Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) “Fighting Eagles” Battalion website. Since 1952 the EWU ROTC program has been training future leaders for our country with a curriculum in military leadership, both theoretical and practical. Students learn the fundamentals of leadership and progress through increasing roles and responsibilities in order to improve their proficiency. Many other life skills such as time management, oral and written communication, first aid and personal fitness, as well as adventure training, are also integrated into the program.

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Please visit the following website for more details about the ROTC, leadership development, and the full-tuition scholarships we offer:

Military Science BA Military Science Minor

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Considering Military Science?

The first two years of the Military Science curriculum are open to all students, regardless of academic standing, without any military obligation. This is the only place where a person can explore military service without actually being in the military. The last two years are only open to students who have entered a contract with the Army to continue ROTC and earn their degree. Completion of the Advanced Course qualifies students to earn a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army.