Military Science

About Us

Welcome to the Eastern Washington University (EWU) Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) “Fighting Eagles” Battalion website. Since 1952 the EWU ROTC program has been training future leaders for our country with a curriculum in military leadership, both theoretical and practical. Students learn the fundamentals of leadership and progress through increasing roles and responsibilities in order to improve their proficiency. Many other life skills such as time management, oral and written communication, first aid and personal fitness, as well as adventure training, are also integrated into the program.

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Considering Military Science?

The first two years of the Military Science curriculum are open to all students, regardless of academic standing, without any military obligation. This is the only place where a person can explore military service without actually being in the military. The last two years are only open to students who have entered a contract with the Army to continue ROTC and earn their degree. Completion of the Advanced Course qualifies students to earn a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army.

Contract Paths

Progression is when a student enrolls in ROTC at the beginning of college and proceeds through the entire two years of Basic Course before contracting and moving into the Advanced Course. Some students start ROTC on scholarships out of high school, and many of them earn scholarships while enrolled in the Basic Course.

Ten EWU Cadets contract into the ROTC program on September 20, 2018 in front of historic Showalter Hall.
Ten EWU Cadets contract into the ROTC program on September 20, 2018 in front of historic Showalter Hall.

College students who are Veterans, or who are currently serving in the National Guard or Reserves, can automatically earn the entire two years worth of Basic Course credit. This means that as long as they have two years remaining in college (undergraduate or masters), then they can automatically enter the Advanced Course. We recommend that a prior service student enrolls in the Basic Course, even for one term, to understand how the program works. Just as important is for the Veterans to build bonds with the Cadets who they will serve with as the future student leaders of the program (if they contract into the Advanced Course).

EWU ROTC Cadet, Patrick Coleman serves in the U.S. Army Reserves with the Engineer Company
EWU ROTC Cadet, Patrick Coleman serves in the U.S. Army Reserves with the 659 Engineer Company located at Fairchild Air Force Base, WA.  He was recently awarded a Minuteman Scholarship worth $46,200 to Eastern Washington University.  He will commission as a Second Lieutenant into the Army Reserves after graduating through the EWU ROTC program.

Students who have experience in the high school Junior ROTC program can earn some credit for the Senior ROTC program. The ROTC Enrollment Officer helps a student determine how much credit can be awarded for JROTC. Former military academy Cadets can also earn ROTC Basic Course credit.

This path is the most preferred method for college students (non-Veterans) who start ROTC later in college to earn Basic Course credit. It is perfect for a student who starts the program late and has missed any portion of the Basic Course. It is also the best way for transfer students to earn Basic Course credit. One of the perks to Basic Camp is that an enrolled student can attend, and if they decide that ROTC is not for them, then they do NOT have to contract into the Advanced Course.

Basic Camp is a four-week leadership course located in Fort Knox, KY. Cadets are taught leadership, teamwork, and problem solving by being placed in rigorous and challenging exercises. Cadets also learn to rappel, fire an M-4, and perform several obstacle courses.  An important distinction to remember is that Basic Camp is not the same as Basic Training for enlisted soldiers; it is leadership training for future officers.

Acceleration is a path where the entire Basic Course of ROTC is completed in 1 year. Essentially, this is a 3-year program to complete ROTC. A student would have to be highly successful in college and have the ability to take 5 credits of ROTC Basic Course classes without deterring their graduation. This is an option for transfers who enter EWU with a Direct Transfer Agreement, or a current EWU student who did not start the program as a freshman.

This path is only available to highly qualified students who cannot enter the Advanced Course under any other option. It is reserved for students who excel academically, are involved in the college and community and are at a high level of fitness.

This path is only available to highly qualified students who cannot enter the Advanced Course under any other option. It is reserved for students who excel academically, are involved in the college and community and are at a high level of fitness.