Afropolitan Projects and Diasporic Cultural Politics: Context, Contest, and Connections
January 26, 2024

Thursday, February 29th Noon | Join us via Zoom In my book, Afropolitan Projects: Redefining Blackness, Sexualities and Culture from Houston to Accra, I examine the diverse cultural and transnational strategies through which Ghanaians position themselves as citizens of the world. The Afropolitan is a politic, identity, and aesthetic that insists on elevating Africa’s place…
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How to be an Effective Anti-Racism Ally
February 27, 2023

Facilitated by Michaela Brown and Liz Moore Thursday, March 9, 2023 – 12-1:30pm in Monroe Hall 207 WAGE Center Lounge Co-sponsored by The Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Committee of CAHSS Women and Center Education (WAGE) Center & Gender, Women’s, & Sexuality Studies Program (GWSS) All students, staff and faculty are welcome to participate…
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Commentary by Drs. Almeida and Rohrer published in the Inlander

Dr. Deirdre Almeida and Dr. Judy Rohrer’s commentary, “EWU’s future: Will the new president restore the diversity programs that were once a vibrant calling cared of the university?” was published in the Inlander today.
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Contemporary Issues in Feminist Research – Fall 2021

EWU Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies presents for fall 2021 Contemporary Issues in Feminist Research, featuring faculty and staff presenting research in their disciplines from a feminist perspective. Contemporary Issues in Feminist Research All events will be held virtually via Zoom. “Where life is precious…” Intersectional Feminism in the Time of COVID-19 Thursday, November 4th…
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Activist in Residence 2021

The Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies Program and the Women’s and Gender Education Center are the lead organizers of the Activist In Residence (AIR) program on the EWU campus. For an eighth year, AIR will bring an activist to campus to work with EWU students, staff, faculty, and community members during winter quarter of 2021.…
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GWSS Director Contributes to Guest Opinion with Community Partners

Katie Horvath, the executive director of the Spectrum LGBTQ+ Center, Judy Rohrer, the director of Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies at EWU, and Naghmana Sherazi, a board member of the Peace & Justice Action League of Spokane worked together on this Guest Opinion for the Spokesman-Review. They remind readers that 52 community partners in and…
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