Tag: EWU
MPH Program Hosts Public Health Grand Rounds on Preventing Firearm Injuries and Deaths
April 22, 2019 by aking50

Eastern Washington University’s Master of Public Health program has partnered with the Washington State Department of Health and Spokane Regional Health District to present a series of presentations highlighting salient public health issues in the state of Washington. These presentations are held on the last Friday of every month from 4-5 p.m. and are held…
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MPH Students participate in EWU College of Health Science and Public Health Research Day
March 27, 2019 by aking50

The EWU College of Health Science and Public Health held a research day on Friday, March 22, 2019 on the Spokane campus. Master of Public Health students Tasha Yip, Yesenia Torres, and Jessica Pal presented their individual research posters. Tasha Yip is an online student from Vancouver, British Columbia. The focus of her research was…
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Marshallese Academic Celebration and Health Fair
May 1, 2017 by aking50

On April 22, Shaw Middle School held an event for the Marshallese community residing in Spokane. This event celebrated the academic success of Marshallese students in grades 7-12 from across Spokane County. The event also served as a health clinic for students’ family members, in which free vaccinations and health screenings were offered. Three-hundred seventy…
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Congratulations to the New MPHA Officers
April 3, 2017 by aking50

The MPHA has recently elected new officers. From left to right in the below picture, the new officers are: Dilli Gautam, Public Relations Officer Jessica R. Ochoa, President April Gunderson, Event Coordinator Britney Vanwinkle, Treasurer Morgan Odell, Vice President Zoe Dugdale, Secretary
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Research Spotlight: Olu’s Marshallese Project
March 17, 2017 by aking50

Research Spotlight: Olu’s Marshallese Project Professor Olugbemiga Ekundayo has been conducting a live challenge project as part of his class on social epidemiology. The project sparked when he learned from one of his students that there was an educational deficit amongst the Marshallese students of Spokane’s Shaw Middle School. Shaw Middle School employs more teachers…
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MPH Student Attends Health Equity Forum
March 14, 2017 by aking50

MPH student Ali Norris recently attended a Healthy Equity Forum. The event centered on the continued need for support and funding of healthcare programs in Eastern Washington. Ali spoke about the importance of public health and the need for health professionals to organize in order to create a healthier community. Spokane has positive potential for…
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MPH Students Attend APHA Conference
March 7, 2017 by aking50

Three second-year students of Eastern Washington University’s Masters of Public Health Department recently attended the American Public Health Association’s conference. The conference, which garnered more than 10,000 attendees, took place in Denver, Colorado, from October 29 to November 2. All three students are elected officers of the Masters of Public Health Association: Lauren Luther, president;…
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Eastern Washington Area Health Education Center (EWAHEC)
by aking50

Eastern Washington Area Health Education Center (EWAHEC) The newest program to join the Public Health and Health Administration Department is the Eastern Washington Area Health Education Center (EWAHEC). The EWAHEC opened at EWU in September 2015. Their work is focused on improving the healthcare workforce, particularly in rural areas of eastern Washington. The EWAHEC focuses…
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Adjunct Faculty Spotlight: Jennifer Day
by aking50

Jennifer Day is an adjunct faculty member for MPH. She earned her Masters of Public Health from the University of Michigan and, as an undergraduate, studied cultural anthropology at Washington University in St. Louis and the University of Sussex. Her primary focus is global health, health inequity, reproductive health and HIV/AIDS. She has designed, implemented and evaluated…
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Faculty Spotlight: Anna Tresidder, PhD
by aking50

Anna Tresidder, PhD, is an Interim Program Director and Assistant Professor Public Health. She received her PhD and MPH, with a focus in health administration and policy, from Portland State and her BS in biology from Pacific University. Her public health career started when she was in the Peace Corps. She worked in the German…
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